Thursday, September 29, 2011

Crispy Topped Brussels Sprouts

The buttery, crispy topping of golden crumbs sets  of  tiny Brussels sprouts very well. Cooling time is shorter than usual because the sprouts are so small. For crisp crumbs it is best to use slightly stale bread.


·         700g button brussels sprouts
·         50g white bread
·         75g butter
·         1 lemon
·         Salt and pepper


1.       Trim away the base and any yellowing leaves from the Brussels sprouts. Rinse and drain.
2.       Make the breadcrumbs on a box grater or in a liquidizer.
3.       Choose a large pan and half fill it with water. Salt and bring to boil.
4.       In  a small frying pan melt half the butter over moderate heat.
5.       Put in the crumbs and cook over a moderate heat for 5 minutes or until they are brown, turning them over every now and again with a wooden spatula so that  they brown on all sides.
6.       Add sprouts to the boiling water. When the water comes back to the boil, reduce the heat, cover the pan and simmer for 5 minutes.
7.       Meanwhile, melt the remaining half of the butter in a sauté pan (a wide shallow saucepan with a lid) over a low heat. Squeeze the lemon  and add the juice to the pan.
8.       Drain the sprouts well, lightly pressing water out of them.
9.       Transfer the sprouts to the sautépan. Season with salt and pepper. Shake the pan gently over low heat, rolling the sprouts to coat them all over with the buttery juice.
10.   Transfer to a serving dish and sprinkle over browned crumbs. 

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