Monday, August 15, 2011

Eat well, live longer

If you want to live longer, take a look at the foods in your weekly shopping basket. It may sound like trite advice, but a healthy diet really is key to longevity.

What you put into your mouth has a dramatic effect on the way your body functions. Food is far more than just fuel to keep you going and to stop the hunger pangs. It’s an essential source of energy, assists in growth and repair, and helps to regulate and protect the body. Your body is an intricate machine with many complicated functions and your body needs many different nutrients to keep it functioning well. As soon as you start disturbing its delicate balance with an unhealthy diet and lifestyle, you are bound to get ill.

1 comment:

  1. A good diet is definitely the key to longevity, but one should never deprive from anything. Most people think that diet means not to eat some products or not to eat at all. That is not true. We should eat everything, but in reasonable quantities.

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